The Cutting Edge

CEUs: 20

On Sale $169.00

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5 Cutting Edge Courses which give you 20 CEUs in an surprisingly affordable package. An added bonus, this package meets your Ethics and Boundaries, and Domestic Violence Requirements. Here is what you get: Traumatic Soul Theory – 4 CEUs; Abusive and Controlling Men as Fathers - 5 CEUs; Technology: A New Weapon in the Hands of Domestic Abusers – 2 CEUs; Medical Marijuana and it’s Implications for Psychotherapy – 4 CEUs; The Climate Crisis and It’s Implications for Psychotherapy in the 21st Century – 5 CEUs; Total 20 CEUs Don’t see the course you want? Contact us and we will swap it out for you! Email

This package includes:

Abusive and Controlling Men as Fathers

CEUs 5

This interesting yet disturbing course will cover everything therapists and child welfare workers need to know related to domestic violence in the family, from the points of view of the victim, who is trapped, the batterer, who feels justified, and the children, who suffer tremendously.

This course is written by award-winning domestic violence instructors Matt and Susan McMillan. Matt is a former police officer, prosecutor, and judge, and Susan is a licensed mental health counselor and jury trial consultant. They are founders of the first certified batterers intervention program in Florida and are considered pioneers in the field.

Students of this course will come away with a newfound understanding about the myths and realities of domestic violence, the impact on children created by the trauma of exposure, and solutions for healing the wounded family.

Although you may not wish to continue to see clients with these issues, when you finish this course, you will know what to look for, what to do, and what not to do when confronting these issues. You will also know where to refer clients and when to make those referrals as well as understanding the dynamics of these turbulent relationships from multiple angles. (5 CEU hours)

Traumatic Soul Injury

CEUs 4

This course is vital for therapists and healthcare providers. As our field advances, we are learning more and more how trauma affects the brain and contributes to poor health, violent relationships, substance abuse, and the self-defeating behaviors many of our clients engage in. As a psychotherapist, assessor, or healthcare provider, you encounter individuals every day who are struggling to overcome trauma of some type or another. For many, alcohol and drugs are the method of coping. And while it is easy to be judgmental, understanding the horrific trauma endured by these individuals and the ultimate effect on their lives can make us much more understanding, much less judgmental, and much more equipped to render the help they need … and deserve.


"After doing mandatory courses for renewal of my License I saw this course on your web page and it excited me and the cost was so affordable and Wow!!!!!! This was the greatest exposure of my therapeutic life. It not only confirmed my approach to therapy to explore the possibility of early childhood trauma more importantly I discovered Appendix 1 that blew me away. This is exactly what I needed!!!!! Thanks a million."     ~Sonia Galimore, LMFT, Broward Co., FL  

“I have been working in the fields of psychiatry and substance abuse for more than 25 yrs. This course presented material I was not familiar with, often siting informative studies that I believe will be valuable in my practice. Thank You!”  ~Elizabeth Rose, LMHC, Dade Co, FL

“Reader friendly, presenters/educators have a lot of experience in the field, cost effective, relevant information.”  ~Janice Del Pilar, LMHC, FL  

“This course had a lot of good material I will keep and refer to.  It’s great how you both share your thoughts and experience in courses.  They have all been very good.”  ~Dawn Dascher, LMHC, Pinellas Co. 

Medical Marijuana

CEUs 4

Like it or not, Medical Marijuana has come to Florida, and as of this writing, to 29 other states. Soon clients will be coming to your practice possessing a medical marijuana card, if they have not already. It will be essential for you to understand the laws, and to recognize how your clients’ use will impact their health and the therapeutic process. Using cutting edge research, real-life stories, and fascinating videos, this course will give you the tools you will need to be knowledgeable, compassionate and informed on this fast-changing playing field.


“I have taken several other medical marijuana courses, but this one was the best by far.   ~Rebecca Sherry, LMHC, Lee Co., Florida 

"This is a great course in order to have a true and thorough understanding of how we are progressing in knowledge based on research. We can't prove the benefits of CBD and Marijuana, but we can see how it may be contributing to healing. More testing is needed, but the team allowed the reader to think and process. The greatest healing for the client is the therapist listening, non-judgmental, and open to the client's resiliency. Susan and Matt have done this beautifully. Gratitude. As a pastor and LMHC, I see how a simple referral to discuss the issue is all I might need to do to help wholeness and love to come about."  ~Ronald Camarda, LMHC, Duval Co, FL

 "This course is chock full of the most up to date information on the subject. It challenges many outdated conclusions that need to be changed."  ~Jacqueline McCollum-Bridges, LMHC, Lake County, FL


Technology: A New Weapon in the Hands of Domestic Abusers

CEUs 2

Violence against women has been around as long as…well, as long as women have been around. And the reasons haven’t changed much over the millennia. But the past 30 years of technological advancement has ushered in a sea change of novel tactics and tools used by batterers and stalkers to control, harass, and intimidate another. And for the first time in history, they can do it from a distance. This course, written for therapists, contains useful information for all women and those in same-sex relationships who might have an abuser partner…or ex. This course will cover the technologies used, the tactics employed, and the effects on the victims of batterers and stalkers who use the tools afforded by our internet-connected lifestyles.  Some sage advice for potential victims that can be shared by therapists is included to help avoid one becoming a victim.


“Amazingly informative and helpful.”  ~Gina Tillman, LCSW, Palm Beach, FL

“I'm too impressed with what they did to suggest anything different. You both seem to be doing a marvelous job! ”  ~ Joyce Newcomb, LMFT, LMHC, Broward Co., FL

“I like these providers as I find them interesting, and they have done excellent research. Their writing style is entertaining as well as easy to follow. ”  ~Grace Ireland,LCSW, Marion Co., FL

The Climate Crisis and Its Implications for Mental Health in the 21st Century

CEUs 5

This is an eye-opening course that could change your practice. We’ve all heard the news reports about global warming, and seen the extreme weather events around the globe. But what’s that got to do with Psychotherapy?  Get ready to be surprised, saddened, and impacted on a personal and professional level. With just the right mixture of science, emotion, current events and real-life examples, this course will take you through the facts, the myths, the reasons behind the denial about the climate crisis. You will explore the challenges and ethical considerations it brings to our profession. You will see the tremendous, though often hidden, impacts it is having on mental health across the spectrums of age, culture, ability and orientation. Finally, the course will give you the tools to assess your own values in a changing and uncertain world; skills to point your clients (and you) toward a path of resilience and a meaningful future, as we face this most challenging of human endeavors.  (If you read this course last year, it has been updated and now contains an "Afterword" with the most current information.)

This course satisfies your Ethics and Boundaries requirement.

“This course is an incredible experience! Take it!”   ~Jacqueline McCollum-Bridges, LMHC, Lake, FL

“This Climate Change course was ground-breaking. It deserves national consideration. Incredible, risky, brave and informative.”  ~Joseph Bolduc, LMHC, Miami Dade, FL

"This course is awesome and truly inspires me to have courage and hang in there with the "deniers" who one day will accept the Nature of Life, Death and Renewal. God Bless and Thank YOU!  ~Father Ron Camarda, LMHC, USN-Ret Chaplain, Pastor, and Resilient wounded vet

“Most comprehensive and informative course that really brings to the forefront the need for incorporating questions about effects of climate change on our patients in our assessments.”  ~ Cheryl Henrichs, LCSW, Escambia, FL


Course Description

5 Cutting Edge Courses which give you 20 CEUs in an surprisingly affordable package. An added bonus, this package meets your Ethics and Boundaries, and Domestic Violence Requirements. Here is what you get: Traumatic Soul Theory – 4 CEUs; Abusive and Controlling Men as Fathers - 5 CEUs; Technology: A New Weapon in the Hands of Domestic Abusers – 2 CEUs; Medical Marijuana and it’s Implications for Psychotherapy – 4 CEUs; The Climate Crisis and It’s Implications for Psychotherapy in the 21st Century – 5 CEUs; Total 20 CEUs Don’t see the course you want? Contact us and we will swap it out for you! Email

Course Objectives

Student Reviews

“This is an important course for all mental health professionals. In the past decade, many of us providing psychotherapy have encountered clients who are deeply impacted by climate change. The information in this course gives us guidance on approaching this issue and the skills that we need to effectively help others who have mental health issues related to climate change.”

~ Linda Chamberlain, Psy.D., Pasco County, FL

“Wow this course was thorough and definitely eye-opening!”

~ phyllis mcgrath, Certified Addictions Professional, miami dade County, FL

“The most powerful and inspiring CEU event I have ever participated in.”

~ Zanita Zody, PhD, LMFT, Clackamas County, OR

“AS expected, cutting edge topic with personal and professional heart and soul in the material and motivation! Incredibly relevant to our times.”

~ Andrea Verier, LPC MICHIGAN, Oakland County, MI

“I recommend this course to every psychotherapist who is looking for insightful, compelling and relevant information on a topic that is so important to our very survival!”

~ Bradley Zucker, Broward County, FL

“This research was so clinically relevant and something we will see more of following Covid-19 for our patients. This provided an excellent guide on how the world has changed and how this is impacting society as a whole. Thank you.”

~ Marianne Williams, LMHC, Pinellas County, FL

“I had no idea this course would be so impactful until I took it but I always turn to Affordable CEU's for the highest quality and truly enjoyable (this is exceptional) educational experiences. A truly exceptional course with in-depth resources and helpful therapeutic recommendations.”

~ William Aycrigg, LCSW, Pasco County, FL

“I have completed several courses by the providers here. Their writing style is both professionally informing and personally connecting. I feel the heart throughout the course.”

~ Dale Midgette Smith, LMHC, Orange County, FL

“I was surprised at first to see this topic addressed in relation to Psychotherapy but was intrigued by it. The course made me aware of this connection and will make a difference in my therapeutic evaluation, especially when addressing depression and anxiety.”

~ Sharon Cupler, MSW, LCSW, Pasco County, FL

“Interesting information that is well written. Also, I appreciated that the tests in the various courses are meaningful to the content & comprehension of the material as opposed to 'trick' questions that ask for answers that reflect miniscule data having only tangential relationship to the content of the courses. In this course, my favoriate part was the videos by experts. Also, listening to what your daughter's friends had to say about their own concerns & fears surrounding the state of our earth.”

~ Maureen Bond, LCSW, LMFT, Duval County, FL

“I will recommend this course to anyone I encounter, family, students, colleagues to enlighten them with the hope more and more people will resonate to and engage in solutions to the critical Climate Change Crisis. CCCC”

~ Naomi Korn, Pinellas County, FL

“Thank you for all you do on behalf of the practice of mental health.”

~ Deborah Olson, LMHC, ESCAMBIA County, FL

“Interesting, relevant and insightful.”

~ Rebecca Clayton, Walton County, FL

“This is a unique and invaluable course for all mental health professionals. It presents vital and contemporary information that enlightens, inspires, and instructs.”

~ Loretta Nelson, LMHC, LMFT, LAKE County, FL

“Excellent read. One of my favorites so far.”

~ Morgan Born-Aives, LMHC, Palm Beach County County, FL

“Super cool course, thank you!”

~ Katharine Alfs, Sarasota County, FL

“This course is an incredible experience! Take it!”

~ Jacqueline McCollum-Bridges, Lake County, FL

“Most comprehensive and informative course that really brings to the forefront the need for incorporating questions about effects of climate change on our patients in our assessments.”

~ Cheryl Henrichs, Escambia County, FL

“This Climate Change course was ground-breaking. It deserves national consideration. Incredible, risky, brave and informative.”

~ Joseph Bolduc, Miami Dade County, FL

“My favorite part of the course was how the authors wrote to their audience making it enjoyable to read and the live interaction with the instructor to review material. ”

~ Leslie Riccaboni, FL

Read all student reviews